Anti-slip flooring system

Air-drying two-pack product.
Can be produced in various colours, to match a sample or with reference to colour charts.
Excellent anti-slip coating for floors and other items intended for industrial use.
The powerful anti-slip finish and good chemical and mechanical properties make it suitable for treating floors, stairs and plant rooms that can represent a potential hazard when water or other fluids are present.
Excellent for treating the floors of swimming pools, saunas and food warehouses.
Widely used anti-slip system valued for its:
- effective anti-slip effect
- good mechanical and chemical properties
- excellent water resistance
Treatment of surfaces to be coated
Surface preparation varies depending on the state of the substrate.
Whatever the case, always make sure the surface is clean and remove dirt, dust and all traces of grease and moisture.
If the floor is already coated or tiled, treatment may involve removing the existing covering or using abrasion to promote better adhesion.
Apply by spraying only, to get the most consistent textured effect across the whole floor.
Use normal airmix or airless spray guns at low pressure, with nozzles measuring between 1.7 and 2.5 mm.
It’s important to apply the product evenly and continuously to avoid it building up in some places or ending up with areas left uncoated.
The thickness of the coating to be applied ranges from a minimum of 50 microns on not very absorbent surfaces, to 120-150 microns for more absorbent surfaces.
The resulting film dries in approx. 40 minutes; it can take foot traffic after at least 24-48 hours.